About Weekend at Ricky’s

At Weekend At Ricky’s, we are dedicated to providing exceptional services and support to individuals with a wide range of disabilities. Our organization is committed to ensuring the satisfaction of each client by offering a safe and welcoming home environment, relief for caregivers, therapeutic scheduled activities, nutritional meals, and opportunities for socialization. Founded by Janet McClanahan, our CEO, Weekend At Ricky’s is driven by a passion for enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities.


Mission Statement

Weekend at Ricky’s provides weekend Excursions with both fun and therapeutic activities. Most importantly we are providing quality care for adults with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities, giving respite to the family caregivers and enhancing the quality of life for the entire family by providing resources, information and an educational plan to live longer healthier lives. Our goal is to give respite to the family caregivers and enhance the lives of the adults we serve.

Relief for Caregivers​

.We understand the challenges faced by caregivers and the importance of taking care of oneself. Weekend At Ricky’s offers respite services to provide caregivers with a break, allowing them to recharge and attend to their own needs, knowing that their loved ones are in capable hands.

Therapeutic Scheduled Activities​

We believe in the power of engaging and therapeutic activities to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Our dedicated staff organizes a variety of activities tailored to the unique interests and abilities of our residents. From art therapy to music sessions, we provide opportunities for personal expression, skill development, and enjoyment.


We recognize the importance of social interaction in fostering a sense of belonging and personal growth. Weekend At Ricky’s facilitates opportunities for residents to connect with peers, build friendships, and participate in social activities. Our supportive environment encourages socialization, promoting positive relationships and a sense of community.

Founder & CEO – Janet McClanahan​

Janet McClanahan, the founder and CEO of Weekend At Ricky’s, is a passionate advocate for individuals with disabilities. Janet developed this passion as a very young girl who was raised with a disabled brother; Ricky. Ricky has Cerebral Palsy and his life is the inspiration behind “Weekend at

With years of experience in the field and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by both individuals with disabilities and their caregivers, Janet envisioned a place where people could find respite, support, and opportunities for personal growth. Her dedication and commitment drive the organization’s mission to provide exceptional services and make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.

Janet holds two Bachelor’s degrees (Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences/Sociology and Mediation and a Bachelor of Science in Human Services Management and Leadership) from the University
of North Texas. She also has an Associate’s degree in Applied Sciences Office Technology/Executive Assistant.